Thursday, August 4, 2011

Just Keepin' it real.....

Not a good day for me today.  I have a horrible sinus infection....and I mean horrible.  I couldn't sleep last night.  My eyes hurt, my head hurts, and I just want to crawl into bed.  I was diagnosed with Gestational diabetes.  I had this with 2 other kids and was able to control it with my diet.  This time...not so much.  I now get to inject myself with insulin at night.  I am on day 3 and it hasn't helped.  My morning fasting levels are higher than when I wasn't on insulin.  I was told by my 20 year old doctor on Monday that because I have gestational diabetes my chances of having a still born baby have doubled or tripled.  Not a good thing to tell a mom that already has high anxiety.  I had another doctor appointment this morning with my "real" OBGYN and after I left her office her nurse called to tell me that they can't see me at their clinic anymore and I need to switch doctors.  So let me get this straight....I feel like crap...I actually feel worse than that, but I don't swear so you put whatever word in that you could think of.  I have to get my 6 kids dressed and ready and out the door by 8 a.m. to drive to the doctor.  Keep in mind....I really don't feel good.  Then I have to take all the kids into this tiny room and wait for the doctor.  There is nowhere for them to sit so most of them are sitting on the floor.  I am sure the floor of an OBGYN's office is very clean.  Right?  Gavin is playing with the trash can...again, nice and clean right?  The doctor comes in and the only good part of my day is hearing the baby's heart beat.  She prescribes me some sinus medication and sends me on my way.  I am not in a good kids can do no right, even though they are actually being very well behaved....I forgot my stroller so I had to leave my specimen while Lanie crawled around on the bathroom floor, and I just want to crawl into bed and not be bothered.  Then my doctor's nurse calls on the way home and tells me that they can't see me anymore because I am "high risk" now and they won't see me  for my gestational diabetes.  They recommend I go back to see Doogie Houser in Madison.  Madison is an hour or so away.  Madison has no people there that we know.  I had Lanie in 3 hours...start to finish.  I can't drive to Madison 2x/week to see a doctor.  I have been on the phone for the past 1 1/2 hours with our dumb insurance, while I have a horrible sinus infection.  Lanie is screaming because she has a horrible diaper rash.  The kids have been parked in front of the TV on the beautiful day.  I have no energy.  I just want to go to bed.  Dan is too busy at work to be able to come home.  I can't put my contacts in and my glasses are broken.  I had to have Dan super glue them together this morning so I didn't look as dumb.  I still look there is a big glob of super glue on the front of my glasses.  I guess Dan will be delivering this baby at our house because I am too "high risk" for anyone to actually care and see me.  Okay I am done now.  I am going to try and call the insurance again and explain my situation for a 5th time.  Maybe someone that is nice and actually cares with answer this time.  Did I mention that I just want to crawl into bed?  Hope you all have a way better day than I am!  Just keepin' it real people!


  1. I'll do a vasectomy on Dan on your kitchen table so that you don't have to run into any of the issues again.

  2. Will my awesome doctor brother be here at Christmas time to preform the surgery? Or will he be too busy being awesome and taking care of football players?

  3. Maybe Doogie Hauser, MD, will babysit!! Lol!! Hang in there, girl, and please, please, please call us if you need anything!!!! Even if its just taking a few of the kids to the park for a bit so you can put your feet up and rest for an hour!!!!
