Thursday, July 28, 2011

Things I Love to Hate

So, there are no pictures in this post.  Just plain old me typing away at 8 in the morning.  As I was laying in bed last night listening to Lanie's crib mobile play and play  and play....I started thinking about all the things that I have a love/hate relationship with.  Lanie didn't sleep well last night and after Dan had already been up with her, it was my turn.  I gave her some Tylenol....I think she might be teething.... and then put her favorite blanket on, turned her two crib mobiles on, and started bouncing her mattress.  I FINALLY got her to fall asleep and then went to lay back in bed.  This brings me to my first thing I love to hate.

#1 Crib Mobiles.   Lanie's crib mobile plays for a good 20 minutes before it shuts off.  Now, during the day when she is napping and all the kids are home, I LOVE that it plays for so keeps the noise the kids are making muffled so she can sleep better and deeper.  But, in the middle of the night when I just want to sleep and it keeps playing and playing and playing...I don't love it so much.  If only we had room to put her crib somewhere else other than our room.  I guess it is time to start thinking about doing something as #7 will soon need to be in our room.  Yikes!

#2.  Money.  We all want more of it....we all think we NEED more of it...and we all never get sick of having it.  If you are not careful it can become the center of your life.  I love having money, but I hate not having enough of it.  EVERYTHING costs money now and nothing is cheap.   It makes doing things with a large family almost impossible.  School supply lists are out....we only have to buy for 3 kids this year....what will our bill look like when we have to buy for 7?  Yikes!

#3.  Food.  So I am borderline Gestational Diabetic.  No fear, I had this with Kenadie and did just fine.  I also tested my sugar levels with Lanie and Gavin and have never had to take insulin.  This time around my sugar levels are a little on the high side.  I am eating everything right and doing what I should be....but I can't control my morning fasting sugar levels.  Some foods are so good and I love to eat them...some food I hate to even smell.  Why wasn't I born with one of those bodies like Dan has.   He can seriously eat or drink anything and not put on a pound.  He is still the same size as when I met him in high school.  Good thing I am the one that gets to carry his children for him so he can maintain his shapely figure.

#4.  Pregnancy.  Now this is a hard one.  I often wonder what God was thinking when he created woman.  Why is it that the woman has to carry the baby for 9-10 months, then give a painful birth to the baby, then have to recover from the painful birth, and then to top it off now breastfeed that baby for a year?  Yes, my husband does help with the care of the baby, but seriously?  Then the woman has to loose the baby weight while trying to raise the baby.  I can't say I love being pregnant like some women can say.  I don't mind it...until the last few months.  Then I am done.  I went in to just have a listen to #7's heartbeat yesterday.  My anxiety level has increased and I worry too much.  What if something is wrong? Why haven't I felt the baby move in a couple of days?  Is the baby growing?  What is that cramping?  I am pretty sure none of these thoughts pass through Dan's head at all.  I guess this is something us women can understand.  I am 20 weeks.  20 more to go.  I love that I am halfway there and I hate that I am only half way there.  Just give me a healthy baby to hold and I am good to go!

#5.  Cleaning.  I HATE to clean but I LOVE having a clean house.  About 5 kids ago, I had a clean house.  Back when we lived in Pewaukee and each toy had it's own bin or special place.  Now I step on toys all the I didn't' even know we had.  Sometimes I find myself just throwing a toy in any bin cause I just want it off the floor and I don't know where to put it anymore.  My kitchen floor is a mess.  I can sweep or vacuum it and within 10 minutes someone wants a snack or a meal and there are crumbs all over the place again.  We have matter how hard I try to keep the floor clean.  We have cat hair all over and I HATE that.  There are always dirty dishes in the sink or clean dishes in the dishwasher.  I just can't keep a clean house anymore.  I give up.

#6.  Laundry.  This kinda goes with #5.  Ok, seriously.....I love buying my kids clothes...but I HATE having to wash, fold, hang, and put away.  We are talking baskets and baskets of clothes.  I should really be doing that right now.  I know things are bad when Dan has to come down in a towel looking for fresh underwear.  I guess today I will fold and put away laundry.  We are good about getting it clean...just not so good with the folding and putting away thing.

#7.  School.  Let's just say someone is counting the days until school starts in this house.  I love summer when we can stay in our pjs! I love having the kids home with me and not having to do anything or go anywhere.  I also LOVE sending them to school.  I HATE having to wake them all up in the morning and get them all ready.   I HATE making lunches everyday.  I HATE all the hustle and bustle that goes along with school.  Homework, reading, soccer, ballet, and so on.  I will have 5 in school this year.  Gavin will go to 3 year old preschool 3 days a week.  For a few months I will just have Lanie at home.  What is she going to do?  She needs someone to play with her, or should I say be in her face, at all times.  Oh what am I going to do?  Ha, maybe clean!

Okay I have way more things I want to say, but after typing about my laundry pile I am having guilt that I am not doing that instead.  So Hi Ho Hi Ho off to laundry mountain I go.  What are somethings you love to hate?  Oh I keep thinking of more...but must.................

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