Monday, July 18, 2011

Breakfast on the Farm (June 19th, 2011)

This was our 3rd year going to breakfast on the farm together.  Dan moans every year that we go.  Today was father's day and what a better way to celebrate by making daddy go somewhere he really doesn't want to go to!?!  It poured that morning so we, I mean, he almost got out of going.  Thankfully, the sun came out and we headed to the farm.  In the past we usually get there at 7 a.m.  This year we got there more around 9:30 ish and it was crowded for sure!  You take your plate into a barn and get pancakes, sausage, eggs, and cheese.  Then you go to another barn and sit at a table and eat.  A country band plays "farm" music and tell bad jokes.  Rude people sick next to you and shove their elbows in your face while you try to eat and you were there FIRST!  The kids all have to go to the bathroom within a minute of sitting down and then have to use a port-a-potty.  They all need their pancakes and sausage cut up and syrup in certain parts of their plate.  Then, by the time you get to eat your farm is cold.  Dan gives you "the look" from down at the other end of the table.  Yup, great fun!  This is when we remind ourselves that we are making good memories with the kids!  

Here the kids are just sitting down.  Not even a minute later, they all had to go to the bathroom!  Yeah for port-a-potties and travel hand sanitizer!
There is always a petting zoo at the breakfast on the farm.  This year I waited in line for the farm tour while Dan took the kids to the petting zoo area.  There was a baby goat and the kids got to hold him.
Then the baby goat decided he liked the taste of my girls hair.  Yes, that is a picture of the goat eating Molly's hair.  Seriously, it ate her hair.  Her hair was soaking wet and when I felt her hair, a big chunk fell out.  Not sure why Dan found this so funny and took pictures of it instead of stopping the goat.  God had to recount the hair on their heads that day!
Apparently, the goat didn't get enough hair from Molly so his sister went for Sadie's hair.
We went on a farm tour after the hair-eating-goats.  We road on a big wagon pulled by a huge tractor.  Very bumpy and not very exciting, but we saw lots of baby cows!
Here is the "birthing" barn.  Okay, so imagine the worst cow smell ever (hence Kens face in this picture).  Then imagine a section of the barn with cows in labor in it.  They are moaning and groaning.  Some are standing and some are laying down.  One cow just had a baby and the new calf was stumbling around.  Then imagine the sun coming in perfectly through the wood rods on the barn.  ****kinda gets gross now**** Now picture the sun shining in as a Mom cow is chewing on the after birth of her new calf.  The sun shines right through that stuff and the cow continues to eat it.  That was more than enough to get this pregnant Mommy out of that barn!  Probably one of the grossest things I have ever seen!  YUCK!
They had lots of huge tractors that the kids could "try" out.  Gavin was in heaven!  Pretty sure he will do something with big trucks/tractors one day!

Here we are getting to the end of our trip to the farm.  The kids were done and so were we.  But, of course, I saw a photo spot and had to take "just one more guys!"  At this point we had drawn a crowd of "lookers"
And as we were walking out, just another real quick picture.  The kids were done.  This is the best we could get.  I don't know why I try sometimes.  We are building memories, right?  Overall, we did have a really good time on the farm.  We made 2 more trips to the port-a-potty and I even had to use one.  You should see Gavin in one of those....he touches EVERYTHING!  Best part of the morning was heading out back to the van and finding Molly's toad, that she had to bring along, was dead in the van.  We told her not to bring it, but she wanted to bring it to show one of her cousins.  As we drove out, Dan had to dump the huge dead toad in the farm field.  Does it get any better?

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