Molly age 10 months |
In starting this whole blog thing....I have been able to go back and look at some old pictures. ( Cause I totally have nothing else that I could be doing!) Anyways, I came across some pictures of all of the girls when they were Lanie's age right now. I personally think that Lanie looks the most like Molly did, however, I can seem pieces of Lanie in all of them. Even Abbie. Abbie is totally all Dan....but I do see Lanie in her as well! Honestly, where does the time go?
Sadie age 10 months |
Abbie age 10 months |
Kenadie age 10 months |
Lanie age 10 months |
Molly age 10 months |
Sadie age 10 months |
Abbie age 10 months |
Ok Kenadie is on the far right at age 10 months. I guess when you
are 4th you just get tossed in with your sisters and don't get
your own bath time! (sorry Kens!) |
Lanie age 10 months. |
This summer I have really been trying to focus on spending a bit more time with the kids. That mostly means taking them to the waterpark or hanging out with friends at the park or just doing fun things with them. A lot of days I am overwhelmed. A lot of days I am tired. A lot of days I just want to scream and run out the door. A lot (ok most days) my house is not clean. A lot of days there are baskets and baskets of laundry to fold. A lot of days I just don't know where to begin. I do know that time has flown by so fast. I am going to have a 9 year old in a couple of months. I just can't believe it. So what I encourage you to do, is try and let some of the earthly things go. I am really trying to do this. Yes, I do like a clean house, but I love to see my kids have fun at the pool more than cleaning! I do like to have all the laundry folded and put away, but I love to see my kids having fun at the park! Now, again, don't get me wrong....I do demand that they clean up quite a bit....but overall I am trying to focus more on them and not on what needs to get done. Before I know it...even though this seems so far away....Dan and I will be asking ourselves what we should do when the kids are all grown up! (Hopefully we will have lots of grandkids!) Now go do something fun with your kids or grandkids!
This just proves that Abby is Dan with long hair!! They are all so cute!! Even though there is a strong family resembelance, you can see so much individuality in each of them! I love that!