When Dan and I met in high school we talked about getting married one day and having kids. You know, young love. Everyone talks about getting married and having kids in high school....and then 2 weeks later they have broken up. Anyways, if you don't know me or my family, my sister and brothers, and I are really good at having kids. My sister Dawn has 4, my brother Brian has 5, my brother Matt has 4, and then I have 6 1/2. Well, when we were dating is when my sister and brothers were busy starting their families. They were really good at making boys. I so desperately wanted a niece, but baby after baby was a boy. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my nephews to pieces and and so thankful for each and everyone of them. My sister FINALLY had a girl a few years into our "dating" life. Therefore, Dan and I were convinced that we would have 6 kids which would all be girls. I even put that in my 10 year senior will plan we filled out. "I will marry, Dan, and we will have 6 kids...all girls." So like 16ish, right? What did we really know back then? We thought we knew it all, but in reality we didn't have a clue. Jump ahead now about 10 years. We found out we were expecting our 5th child...not too long after having our 4th. Can you say, SHOCKER? Anyways, we had already had 4 girls and were convinced that perhaps Dan could only make girls! I bought a pink onsie that said "little sister" and a blue onsie that said "little brother." I put each of the onsies in it's own gift bags that were identical. We had the doctor do the ultrasound and asked her to not tell us what it was. She then left the room and brought in the bag with the "appropriate" onsie in it.
Abbie lost it. She fell on the floor and had a temper tantrum. She wanted a sister. She cried and cried. We tried to explain to her that she already had 3 sisters, but she was so upset at the fact the baby was a boy. I can't explain the feeling or emotion. This little boy would carry on the family name. We could stop hearing, " oh maybe it will be a boy this time." Boy oh Boy, we didn't know what we were getting ourselves into. Now, I am convinced that God truly does know what he is doing! Some people are meant to have girls and some people were meant to have boys. Some people can handle girls and some can handle boys.
I am now convinced that I was meant to handle girls. Please let me introduce you to my wonderful, naughty, sweet, moody, angry, happy, loving, moody, charming, smiley, moody, pleasant little son, Gavin
Gavin, Gavin, Gavin. He is the child that makes me laugh the most. He is the child I have to yell at the most. He is the child that cuddles with me the most. He is the child that I have to put on a time out the most. (actually he is the only child I really have to ever put on a time out!) He is the child that hugs and kisses me the most. He my only child that hits, bites, and kicks the most! He is the child that helps me cook the most. He is the child that takes all his toys out and doesn't put them away the most. He is the child that still likes me to sing to him the most. He is the child that tells me he doesn't want to be my friend the most.
I am so new to this boy thing. My girls can all play very nicely together. I can ask them to go to their rooms and play quietly and I won't hear from them for hours. They will set up villages and cities and play a story. Then there is Gavin. His idea of playing is going in his room, taking all his toys out, and then telling me that his sisters don't want to play with him and he is bored. Well, I wouldn't want to play with him either since he tends to kick them, hit them, or pull their hair when they don't do what he wants them to do.
Then there is the super sweet and loving side to my little guy. He will pose for pictures for me. He will help me cook. I can ask him to do something for me and he will say, "yes, mommy!" He will come up and ask me for a kiss out of nowhere. He will come sit on my lap or ask to hold my hand. He will be sweet as pie!
Then within an instant something sets him off and watch out! He is more moody that all of my other 5 girls combined. For instance, last night we took the kids to get their free ice cream cone from Mullens. They are in the reading program in Watertown and that was one of their prizes. Gavin choose to get cotton candy ice cream. Well, after a handful of licks, he decided he didn't like that flavor and wanted Abbie's Blue Moon ice cream. Abbie offered to trade, but she really doesn't like cotton candy so it wasn't fair to her. I could sense a break down coming. (Now keep in mind, long morning, then Chukee Cheese, then library then ice cream...did i mention no nap? So I took him outside and he was mad and crying. Then he says, in only a way Gavin can...."God is going to destroy you and Daddy both...I really mean it." Ummm what? So he said it again. I asked him why God was going to destroy us and he said cause we were naughty to him. So, I didn't choose his flavor of ice cream and I am not having a crying fit...but yet, God is going to destroy me. Ok then. So I took him back inside and told Dan what he said. We both were laughing and that made Gavin even more angry. Then he asked for his cone back and bit off the bottom of the cone. Then when the ice cream started to drip out of the bottom, it was all my fault again. I should have gotten him some napkins, I should have gotten him a different cone, I should have...the list goes on. So Dan took his cone and tossed it in the trash. We knew that was our cue to leave. Can you say right to bed?
I just can't seem to figure him out. There is a reason why God only gave us one of him! Now don't get me wrong. I love him beyond words....I just can't figure him out! Everyone tells us to wait until the girls are teenagers and he will then seem so easy. That could very well be the case. However, I am really trying to raise my girls to be respectful, kind, and caring little girls and hopefully the good foundation they have will lead them to be strong Christian young ladies and women. So as we are so close to being able to find out what baby #7 will be.....I have mixed emotions. I would LOVE for Gavin to have a brother. I think it would be good for him. I also LOVE having my girls. Lanie is a little needy, but she is getting much better! I am so happy we had her and that she was my 5th girl! I simply love having girls. I know God has a plan for #7. I just pray his plan, if it is to be a boy, would be that maybe this boy would come out with an instruction book ! Gavin had another break down at the water park today over an ice cream sandwich. So embarrassing. I am sure my friend, Amy, who was there with me thought, " oh I am glad I have 2 girls!" We left a few minutes later and headed home. All 6 kids are sleeping peacefully now. I always have to wonder, will Gavin wake up wanting to kiss me or wanting to hit me?
I love that Beefs knows exactly who he is and is willing to stand his ground! He always makes me smile!!!