I feel like a chicken without a head. I feel like a crazy person. I feel like the days go by so fast. I feel like I can't think straight. I almost secretly want to go on bed rest so I can just sit on the couch and do nothing and not have to think about anything. BUT, I must keep going! I HAVE to keep going. Things haven't slowed down here one bit. I don't feel like I gave Molly and Kenadie enough "blog time" for their birthday...so here you go!
Molly Rose. 9 years ago Dan and I were clueless. This pregnancy and baby thing was all new to us. Molly was born 4 week early. I had a long but very easy labor with her. I remember thinking, "that's it? That is what labor is? I could do this 10 times!" Ha! Little did I know! I had a REALLY good epidural with her. No pain, no nothing. A couple of pushes and BAM...our sweet baby girl was here. (I won't go in to detail about the pain I suffered after she was born....that was way worse than labor for sure!) Anyways, we were in love. Molly stopped breathing 1 week after she was born. I won't go into detail as it is a long story, but it was the scariest day of my life. My daughter was turning blue and I couldn't help her.
Fast forward 9 years and here we are! Molly is and AMAZING little girl. She has a very giving heart. She has a very helping heart. She is very compassionate and caring. She is an awesome big sister. She is a great helper. Molly LOVES to watch TV. We call her "TV eyes!" If the TV is on...Molly is trying to watch it. Molly is an awesome soccer player. I was so amazed by her this past Saturday at her game. She had control of the ball for most of the game. She has really great ball handling skills and can move the ball down the field past all the other players, no problem. Her coach mentioned how good she was to us on Saturday. I was so proud of her!
I love that Molly still wants to be little. Don't get me wrong, she is growing up and giving us some attitude, but she still loves being a kid. She still wants to do things with us. She still thinks we are cool. She still likes to play with Barbies or squinkies or little pet shop. She is the leader of the kids. She always has something lined up for them to do. She helps Gavin a lot! She tries to do what is right. She is a good student and a great listener. I don't ever have to worry that she is not behaving or listening. I know she is. I don't know what we did with her to make her such a good kid....(if I did, I would try doing the same thing so Gavin would change!) but I know she has Jesus in her heart and she loves Him dearly.
I still can't believe I am a Mom of a 9 year old. I am so thankful to have Molly and for the time we get to spend together. I am so very proud of the young lady she is becoming. I love her giving heart. I love that she is the best big sister ever! I can't wait to see what plans God has in store for her as she gets older. I love you, Molly Rose!
Kenadie Faith......
Kens turned 5 last year. Where did those 5 years go too? When you are number 4 in the family, things are a little different than when you were first born. Kens is so easy going. She just goes with the flow. Kenadie is so independent. We call her "floppy body." Kens tends to kinda just trip or fall very easily. She can just be walking down a open hallway and fall. She will pop right back up and say, " I'm okay," Her legs are always covered in bruises.
Kenaide rocks at soccer. This past Saturday, they had to put a 2nd grader in her game because she was scoring too much. It is funny to hear what the other parents have to say about her as she takes full control of the entire soccer field. I think she may be following in Molly and Sadie's foot steps with soccer. We may be able to have our own team! Kens has a smile that can change your mood. She also says the most hilarious things. She is a little comedian. She is a great big sister....to Lanie. Her and Gavin can be the best of buddies one minute and the next minute he is hitting her and she is scratching him. Kenadie is our biggest "junk" collector. You should see her desk. Sadie and Molly's desks are spotless and organized. Kenadie's desk is covered in "treasures" I can't even see her desk....it is so covered with stuff. Kenadie is in her own world most of the time. She can play a "story" with just about any little toy or trinket. She loves to create stories all by herself and play them. She loves to play with her sisters, but she can also play very independently by herself.
Kenadie loves going to school. She says she doesn't have any friends or play with anyone...but she is always looking forward to going. ( and when I peek in on her...she is always playing with someone!) Kenadie is great about telling us what other people are doing....aka tattling. She has a little kitty and blanket that she sleeps with every night.
KenadieKenadie still has a break down now and then. She had one this past Saturday at soccer. When she has a breakdown....you have to leave her alone. She talks to no one.
I can't believe she is five...yet I can't believe she is only five. Sometimes she seems so much older to me. I pray that Kenadie will keep developing into a kind little girl and become a woman of God! She is an amazing daughter and a great little girl. Sometimes I have to remind myself that she is ONLY five. She is allowed to have break downs and act crazy and silly. I love you, my little peanut butter and jelly Sandwich!
you have known me longer than all of your kids and i've never gotten a blog written about me.. i see how it is.. :(