Where did the last 2 weeks go? I am not really sure? They seemed to zoom right by in the blink of an eye! In a nutshell....we had soccer games, soccer practices, 2 birthdays, special days, shopping, date night, ultrasounds, walk-a-thon, thirty-one party, play dates, Dan out of town again, test driving vehicles, snack days, Train rides, birthday cake, teacher treat Fridays, working, cleaning, playing, oh and so much more!
So here are a few pictures to highlight!
I was working one day and Lanie was keeping herself busy. It got a little too quiet for me. I checked on her and she had fallen asleep on the kitchen floor. Did I mention how much she loves her "blanks!"
The kids school had a Walk-a-thon. Lanie was all bundled up and ready to walk.
Molly was paired with her chapel buddy. She did a good of making sure she stayed with her!
Gavin didn't walk...he ran. And he had a blast. Gavin is well liked by some of the older boys so they kept him company!
My mom had a birthday party for Molly and Kenadie at her house on Sunday. Oma was so nice and made and decorated a Rupunzel cake with/for Kenadie. Kenadie did more tasting than decorating.
We took the kids to a train club place by my mom's house. It was free. The kids rode on these home made trains. Way cool. The kids had a blast!
Auntie Dawn was nice enough to ride with Lanie. She seemed to like it!
Daddy had to get in on the fun too! The kids rode around the track at least 5 times.
Auntie Angela made Kenadie and Molly new pillow cases and gave them super soft pillows! They are so spoiled! Thanks Auntie Angela! (oh and thanks Uncle Brian too, for working so hard to make money so Angela could buy the pillows and stuff to make them! )
Molly chose a pumpkin ice cream cake. YUMMY! It was all gone...no leftovers.
Look at how pretty Runpunzel looks! Kens and Oma did a great job!
Molly got a Nook for there birthday, a pair of pajamas, a scensty buddy, and a purse to put her nook in from us. She loves to read!
Kens got two sing-a-majigs, squinkies, and an American Girl doll. Her favorite thing? The pack of $9 squinkies. Yup....the doll got pushed aside. The doll she has been asking for, for a long time.
We took Kens to Abblebee's for her birthday dinner last night. I asked Dan to grab the camera....he didn't. We celebrated with a cupcake when we got home.
It has been a crazy couple of weeks for us. Baby #7 will be here in 8 weeks. That is in 2 months. The car seat is out and ready. Nothing else is. I am trying to be prepared, really I am. I just don't have enough time or energy. I honestly don't know how I am going to do what I need to do with 7 kids. I know that somehow God will give me the strength to do it all...that is the only thing I can focus on right now. Between car shopping, birthdays, working, volunteering, cleaning, cooking, shopping, playing, preparing, planning, and sleeping God has helped me get through it all so far. What's one more kid? Right?
I will try to keep you updated. The baby name has been agreed on. We LOVE the name. My sister-in-law has already made him a stocking to hang up just in time for Christmas! I am not to the uncomfortable stage yet....I am still functional. However, I am so anxious to hold this little (well, maybe not so little) boy in my arms and kiss and hug him. I may never let go of him. You have all been warned.....this will be our last one....I will have to do all the holding I can!
We have a busy weekend ahead of us. Kenadie
You and Dan are such amazing parents, and have a wonderfully strong faith. With the help of your fun and awesome kids, this next baby will grow up to be just as much of a blessing as the others. I have NO DOUBT that you will continue to be the wonderful family that are, especially with one more! You guys have a lot of prayers behind you! I really feel so lucky and blessed to get to watch you all as a family (and not just cause you give me delicious treats every Friday :) )!