Thursday, September 15, 2011

Lanie turns 1!

Has it really been a year?  Has it only been a year?  The year has gone by so fast, but at times it seemed to go on forever!  Lanie woke up this morning covered in snot.  Sorry, but that's the truth.  She has a horrible head cold.  She is not happy.  She hasn't been sleeping well at all.  She is doing a lot of whimpering and crying.  Poor girl.  

We tried to make her feel better today!  She had her usual morning banana and some cuppy.  Then we got her dressed in her birthday tutu and shirt!  Then, of course, I had to do her hair!  

 Lanie LOVES baby dolls.  She didn't have one of her own, so she got a new Bitty Baby for her birthday.  We figure she should get used to this whole baby thing as it will soon become a reality for her!
 The kids were more than happy to help her check out her new baby and toys for her baby!
 Lanie is an expert at pointing out "eyes" on people and babies.  She found her baby's eyes right away!
 She isn't doing very much smiling at all.  We tried and tried to get her to smile....she just isn't in the mood! Hopefully she will be feeling better by Saturday when we have her party!
 This is the best smile we could get.  This is one of Lanie's blankies.  Lanie LOVES her blanket.  You can ask her to get it and she will crawl over to it and lay on it and just giggle.
 Lanie also got a new shopping car cart to push her new baby in.  She doesn't quite know how to move it yet...and she gets very frustrated.
 I had to help her turn many corners.  Pushing on the carpet just isn't as easy as the kitchen floor.
She got really mad right after this and fell down and cried.  Even birthday girls have to nap on their birthday!

Dear Sweet Chubba Wabbas,

I can't believe you are 1 already.  I remember your birth like it was just yesterday.  Here are just a few of the many things I love about you and things that I love that you do!

You wake up every morning bright and early.  I am not sure if you wake your sisters up or if they wake you up.  You are sharing a room with Kenadie and Abbie.  You love to look over your crib and "yell" at Kenadie.  Many times during the middle of the night you will wake up.  Kenadie and Abbie are so sweet to you.  Abbie will turn your crib music on or Kenadie and Abbie will sing you a song!  You like to come down every morning and go right in your high chair.  You love having a morning Banana.  Your sweet sister, Molly, has even started getting you out of your crib and taking you downstairs and cutting up you naner for you!  You usually have some milk and cheerios too!  We are crazy busy in the morning getting your sisters and brother to school.  You are so sad to see them leave everyday.  You nap 2 times during the day....sometimes.  You are really good at crawling and you are just starting to walk while holding onto things.  You don't say much at all.  You do like to poke Daddy's "ding dong"  (that would be his belly button!) and say "ding."  You can say Mama and Dada.  You reach for Molly all the time and you want her to hold you.  You LOVE to be anywhere your sisters and brother are.  They are so good to you.  You LOVE your blanks.  I mean really Love your blanks.  You giggle when it touches you and you have to have one on when you sleep.  The blanks and your nookers are your comfys.  Gavin loves you beyond words.  Gavin calls you "sweetest."  He doesn't call you are his "sweetest."  I cannot put into words how much your sisters and brother love you.  You do cry a lot more than any of your siblings did.  You are not fond of anyone other than your family, and that is okay!  Your smile makes me melt.  It makes me smile!  You love your Daddy.  You even cried the other day when Daddy had to go to work.  You just wanted to cuddle with him!  You LOVE to eat.  You only have 2 bottom teeth, but you can eat just about anything.  No baby food for have been on solid food for over 3 months!  You drink milk from a sippy cup and you have a warm bottle before bed.  You HATE shoes and socks.  You are always barefoot!  You are not a fan of TV at all.  You would much prefer to be parked on my hip or crawling around.  You like to make bubbles with your mouth or click your tongue.  You are very good at pointing out "eyes"  Did I mention how much you love your sisters and your brother?  If I am in the kitchen you crawl right up to my legs and pull yourself up.  Then you proceed to cry until I pick you up.

You have truly been a joy in our lives this past year.  I am so very happy to have you parked on my hip all the time.  You are my sweet baby girl...and you will always be my baby girl!  I love you, Lanie, beyond words.  Please don't grow up too fast!


P.S.  Thank you to Auntie Angela for helping make her adorable shirt....thank you to Auntie Dawn for getting it from Auntie Angela and then forgetting it.....and that you to Oma for making the hour drive out here last night so Lanie could look as cute as she did today!  And a very happy birthday to my sister who shares Lanie's birthday!  We love you!

(Quick side note....I wrote this post early this morning....I had to run out the door and didn't get to finish it until 9:00 p.m.  I took Lanie to the Doctor during my wildly crazy day and she has a double ear infection.  Let's just say her birthday wasn't how we had planned....but hopefully she will be feeling better for her party on Saturday! )


  1. 1. Thanks for pointing out that Daddy's "ding dong" is his belly button. Is it something different for mommy?
    2. How come Dan gets 30 reasons why you love him and Lanie gets more than just 1? That's not fair.
    3. How come my family never gets any thanks.
    4. Lanie seems to drive her shopping cart like her Oma drives a car.

  2. To my awesome Dr. Brother.

    1. I knew you would comment about Dan's Ding Dong...that is why I clarified what it was.

    2. I can't just leave 1 reason why I love Lanie....I would hate for her to have a complex like I have....afterall, we can't all be doctors!

    3. Well, I know for a fact that your wife is working hard at knitting a stocking my baby #7. As soon as I get them all hung up and a picture taken. ...I plan on devoting an entire blog to how awesome your wife is and what a great job she does on making our stockings. I am hoping you make it on TV one of these days so I can post a link to you rushing on the field at a Falcon game helping an injured player.....Can you make that happen?

    4. I will not comment on Oma's driving. However, I think Lanie drives better than Oma does.

    5. I don't know why you are the only one that comments. Perhaps you are the only one that reads this. I appreciate your comments. Oh, no, Stephanie Hass reads your she might read the blog too. Or maybe she just comes on to read your comments and skips the blog.

    6. Your comments make me smile.....remember when Joe chased us around the house with a butcher knife?

    7. Dan misses you....the kids miss your kids....I miss shopping and talking with Maria....can you come back soon? There is a house for sale next door to us....we could watch your kids for you...and you could watch ours!

  3. Susan I do read the blogs too! Then I have to read Matt's comments! It is a very enjoyable experience. :)

  4. Happy Birthday Lanie! Sounds like you and Hannah would get along great!!

  5. Happy Birthday Lanie!!!! We love you, cutie pie!

    -Chelsea and Joe

  6. I love your blogs...and I think is great that your Doctor brother and your unknown brother and his wife takes time from their very busy days to post to your account...must be sibling love...

  7. I think I figured out how to do this...finally love mom
